Speaking and Training

I spoke at my first conference in 2013 and having been speaking, giving workshops, and delivering training sessions ever since.


Nomad PHP

How I learned to Stop Wiring and Love Autowiring Containers

January 16th


Bulgaria PHP

Learning the PHP-FIG HTTP Stack

November 9th

Laracon EU Amsterdam

Event Storming for Everyone — Talk

August 29th

Exploring Business Processes with Event Storming — Workshop

August 28th


Fire up your PHP App Performance with Blackfire.io

March 14th

Get Rolling Fast with Symfony Flex

March 13th

Midwest PHP

Learning the PHP-FIG HTTP Stack

March 8th


PHP Central Europe

How I learned to Stop Wiring and Love Autowiring Containers

October 27th
Get Rolling Fast with Symfony Flex October 27th


Introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS

May 30th

PHP Serbia

Unglue all the things! May 27th

How I learned to Stop Wiring and Love Autowiring Containers

May 26th

Midwest PHP

Introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS

March 10th

Get Rolling Fast with Symfony Flex

March 9th


Get Rolling Fast with Symfony Flex

February 16th



Symfony Live! London

Unglue All The Things!

PHP Warwickshire

Hello, PSR-7.

Dutch PHP Conference

Unglue All The Things!

Nomad PHP EU

PHP Benelux Antwerp


Forum PHP Paris

Unglue All The Things!


Hello, PSR-7.

Git and GitHub for PHP Projects

True North PHP Toronto

Symfony Live! San Francisco

Decomposing Packages

Symfony Live! Berlin

Hello, PSR-7.

Decomposing Packages

PHPUG Frankfurt am Main

Hello, PSR-7.

PHPNW Manchester

Hello, PSR-7.

Symfony Live! London

Hello, PSR-7.

PNWPHP Seattle

Dutch PHP Conference (DPC) Amsterdam


phpDay Verona, IT

PHP Tour Luxembourg

Midwest PHP

Bringing Sculpin to Life

PHPBenelux Antwerp



Namespaces and Autoloading


Static Sites with Sculpin

Namespaces and Autoloading

Forum PHP Paris

Bringing Sculpin to Life

Symfony Live London

Madison PHP Conference

Namespaces and Autoloading

Milwaukee PHP User Group

Midwest PHP

Wearables DevCon Glass Meetup

Sunshine PHP

Madison PHP User Group

Namespaces and Autoloading


True North PHP Toronto

Static Sites with Sculpin

Madison PHP User Group

Seattle PHP User Group

LakeKenoshaPHP User Group

Symfony Live! Portland

Embedded Composer